Father Lee Parson did what any loyal parent would have done by supporting his boy Niall's wish to achieve professional football career.
Lee could see his son has potential but felt something was missing and so happened to call me for my assistance
I met Niall yesterday at Loughborough University, High Performance Athletics Centre to conduct his speed assessment.
Niall had all excellent intentions topped up with plenty of passion but lacked the sports science rationale to go further. Bit by bit I broke down his current form and explained the dos and don't of sprinting. Slowly but surely as we pieced back the improved flexibility, use of levers, the range of movement, Niall began to get faster and faster
An hour and twenty minutes later. I had completed my run gait analysis and put back my stripped back his current run technique by breaking down each joint lever, the range of movement and muscle strength. Niall looked much sharper.